Owners draw vs salary: Pay Yourself Right: Owners Draw vs Salary

If a company sells all of its assets for cash and then uses the cash to pay all liabilities, any cash remaining is the firm’s equity. Patty could withdraw profits generated by her business or take out funds that she previously contributed to her company. She may also take out a combination of profits and capital she previously contributed. As a small business owner, there’s lots of terminology to keep track of.
There are no specific guidelines for what constitutes reasonable compensation. It’s important to carefully consider these in determining your salary to avoid an IRS audit. If you pay yourself a salary, like any other employee, payroll taxes like federal, state, Social Security, and Medicare will be automatically taken out of your paycheck. Because your company is paying half of your Social Security and Medicare taxes, you’ll only pay 7.65% ‒ half what you’ll pay if you take an owner’s draw. The two most common ways for business owners to get paid is to either take an owner’s draw or receive a salary.
A salary, on the other hand, is a set, recurring payment that you’ll receive every pay period that includes payroll tax withholdings. When deciding what to pay yourself, you’ll want to take into account your expected profit and expenses. As your circumstances change, you can always give yourself a raise or take a pay cut if needed. Depending on your business structure, you might be able to pay yourself a salary and take an additional payment as a draw, based on profit for the previous year. Make sure you plan carefully to pay your tax liability on time in order to avoid penalties and be payroll compliant. The business owner may pay taxes on his or her share of company earnings and then take a draw that is larger than the current year’s earning share.
How to determine how much to pay yourself as a business owner
Considering which is better for your particular business structure is part of setting up shop. Let’s look at the difference between an Owner’s Draw vs a Salary. State and federal personal income taxes are automatically deducted from your paycheck.

Sole proprietors and partners in a partnership each pay self-employment taxes on profits earned by the company. The self-employment tax collects Social Security and Medicare contributions from these business owners. If, instead, a salary is paid, the owner receives a W-2 and pays Social Security and Medicare taxes through wage withholdings. Likewise, if you’re an owner of a sole proprietorship, you’re considered self-employed so you wouldn’t be paid a salary but instead take an owner’s draw. Single-member LLC owners are also considered sole proprietors for tax purposes, so they would take a draw. If your business structure is any other than a C corporation, you may take an owner’s draw if you own equity in the business.
Salary, draws, and the IRS
If you own equity in your business, you can take money out of the business as the owner. If you’re paying yourself using the salary method, you’re not affecting Owner’s Equity. Whether you choose to draw your money or assign yourself a salary, there are a few guidelines you should follow when paying yourself from your own bank account. Usually that means each partner will evenly split the income for themselves. You can arrange something different in a partnership agreement, such as a 70/30 split between two partners. Business owners who pay themselves a salary receive a fixed amount of money on a regular basis.
Those considerations will help you land on a suitable number to pay yourself, whether you take it as a salary or a draw. Those are the nuts and bolts, but we’ll dig into even more details of salaries and draws in a later section. Let’s look at a salary vs. draw, and how you can figure out which is the right choice for you and your business. Join our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates from our team.Don’t worry, your information will not be shared. These are the options available but not all of them will be available to you based on your entity type.
Paying yourself by business type or classification
It’s important to understand your equity, because if you choose to take a draw, your total draw can’t exceed your total owner’s equity. Also, be careful to not pay yourself unreasonably high compensation. The IRS has taken the position that excessive compensation is a “disguised” distribution of company profits. In turn, these “disguised” distributions are really dividends in the eyes of the IRS and lose their tax-deductibility.
- The IRS even requires owners of S-corps and C-corps who are involved with running the business to take salaries, which must include “reasonable” levels of compensation.
- The good news is you won’t immediately have to pay tax on your draws.
- Generally, sole proprietors, partners, and LLC owner/members take owner draws as their payment.
- Usually that means each partner will evenly split the income for themselves.
If your business is an S-corp, you must pay yourself a salary if you are actively involved in running and managing your business. As you can see above, your business entity type can play a major role in how you can pay yourself. Here’s a closer look at the implications of using different entity types. So now that you know a bit about the different options available, let’s talk about how to factor in your type of business to this equation. So if your company grew by 50% in the past year and your current salary is $70,000, you’d multiply your salary by 150% and come up with your new salary, which is $105,000 (not bad!).
Step #1: Understand the difference between salary vs. draw
If Patty’s catering company were set up as an S Corp, then she would figure out a reasonable compensation for the type of work she does and pay herself a salary. To not raise any red flags with the IRS, her salary should be similar to what people in similar positions at other businesses earn. A partners’ equity balance is increased by capital contributions and business profits, and reduced by partner (owner) draws and business losses. She could choose to take some or even all of her $80,000 owner’s equity balance out of the business, and the draw amount would reduce her equity balance.
The good news is that your salary and the 7.65% of FICA tax the S-corp pays on your salary is tax deductible and will reduce the company’s taxable income. If a C-corp business owner wants to “draw” money, above his or her salary, it must be taken as a dividend payment. The bad news is that the dividend payment is not a tax-deductible expense. If you want to take a draw from a C-corp, the better option may be to take it in the form of a bonus. Using draws is the only option for sole proprietors — you cannot legally pay yourself a W-2 salary.
My Business Bank Account Is Empty, Why Am I Still Showing A Profit?
Many small business owners compensate themselves using a draw, rather than paying themselves a salary. There are services and websites available that will determine reasonable compensation for you. But you can also look at what other companies pay their officers to get an idea of what is reasonable. No one set rule exists about how much an owner’s draw should be and it’s at the owner’s discretion. That said, an owner may take up to 100% of the owner’s equity as a draw. Many legal factors go into choosing whether to take an owner’s draw or a salary.
Make sure to keep a paper trail documenting your company’s performance and expenses so you can justify your wages if need be. When you’re recording your journal entry for a draw, you would “debit” your Owner’s Equity account, and “credit” your Cash account. If you’re not interested in the bonus route, you can always adjust your salary each year based on how your company is performing. Take a look back at the past year and give yourself a bonus that correlates to company growth after break-even.
Frequently asked questions about using an owner’s draw vs salary
You will be taxed like a sole proprietor for your percentage of the partnership’s income. Draws can be a fixed amount paid at regular times or can be taken as needed. As the business owner, you have the discretion on when to take draws. But, because no taxes are withheld or remitted to the IRS, you’ll need to keep tabs on where that cash flow is going and make quarterly payments or settle up at the end of the year. An owner’s draw requires more personal tax planning, including quarterly tax estimates and self-employment taxes. The draw itself does not have any effect on tax, but draws are a distribution of income that will be allocated to the business owner and taxed.